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Greetings! I'm Frances, and I'm thrilled to introduce myself as your dedicated social media content manager. With a passion for digital storytelling and a keen understanding of online engagement, I specialize in curating captivating content tailored to your unique brand identity.


As your trusted content manager, I am committed to going above and beyond to ensure your online presence not only shines but also resonates authentically with your audience. From crafting compelling narratives to strategizing engagement tactics, I'm here to support you every step of the way. Let's collaborate and bring your social media dreams to life!

My Story

I'm a proud 90's baby hailing from the vibrant island of Puerto Rico, now making waves in sunny Orlando, Florida. With a diverse background in psychology and administration, my journey into the world of social media began as a delightful accident. For many years, I watched my mom, a successful real estate agent, conquer the industry with her determination and charm. However, when it came to navigating the digital landscape, she sought the help of her millennial daughter. What began as a simple content creation for her social media quickly evolved into a fascination with analytics and strategy. As I delved deeper, I realized my innate talent for this field, and more importantly, I discovered my passion for it.


Boosting my mom's following and engagement became my mission, and soon, her colleagues sought my expertise as well. Before I knew it, I was immersed in the world of social media management, helping entrepreneurs amplify their online presence. Today, armed with experience, enthusiasm, and a genuine desire to make a difference, I am excited to continue empowering businesses to thrive in the digital age.

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